Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter Break Downfalls

Winter Break is about spending time with friends and family, and that's what I did... it just didn't turn out the way I planned.

I'm not complaining though, the break was much needed. I got to catch up with a lot of friends that I haven't seen in a while, and I got to spend time with family, which was all great. I'm one of those people who believe everything happens for a reason. 

On Christmas Day, my family and I went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Cleveland with my Uncle, Cousins, and Grandparents. On the way there we were all kind of tired and grumpy from waking up so early and all we wanted was food. 

When we finally arrived we got seated right away at a big table that had a turning table on it so everyone could reach the food. While we were sitting there looking at the menu, the waitress puts on the turning table a pot of hot tea. My little cousins, being bored, starts spinning the turning table. About a second after I told him that he should stop before something falls (not exaggerating), the hot pot of tea is all over my lap. 

Let me tell you, that wasn't just hot tea, it felt like it was boiling tea. I had skinny jeans on so my now scolding hot covered pants were sticking to my skin, burning me. My Mom and Dad ended up taking me to the ER and we were soon told by the doctor that I had second degree burns.

Before leaving the restaurant, my grandma told me that she would bring me home food, and my poor little cousin was crying because he felt so bad. I just told him not to worry about it, accidents happen.

About two hours later on our way home from the hospital, my Dad calls my grandma to see if we should pick up the food. We then find out that they didn't even get any for us, so our Christmas dinner consisted of buffalo chicken dip and chips, spinach artichoke dip and bread, and fish sticks. 

Honestly I don't care that I got hot tea poured on me. I'm glad it was me and not my little cousin or someone else that was at my table. True it burned and hurt, but that kind of pain is only a temporary thing. It doesn't last as long as emotional pain, that some may be having at the same time.

Friday, December 7, 2012

How Rude...

This has all happened to us before at some point in our lives; you are out at the movies and someone behind or around you decides to talk throughout the ENTIRE movie.

You've been so excited to go see this one movie ever since you saw the previews, and the day has finally come when you actually get to watch it. You wait in line to buy your ticket chatting with your friends about the latest gossip. You finally purchase your ticket and walk eagerly to find where your movie is playing. You walk into the theater and get a waft of the scent of popcorn. The smell makes your mouth water and stomach growl, so you grab your seats and go get popcorn of your own. 

After you grab the warm buttery popcorn you finally take your seat and relax, waiting for your movie to begin. You impatiently wait through all the previews while munching on your popcorn. Your wondering when the movie is finally going to start when three middle school girls walk up and sit in the seats behind you. They begin gossiping about stupid things that went on through their day, squealing when one of their friends tell them that she got her first kiss. You want the movie to start so they would just stop talking already. 

Finally the movie you have been waiting for comes on. The girls don't stop talking though. The girl sitting directly behind you decides to put her feet on your seat, kicking it every couple minutes. You can't even concentrate on the movie you finally get to see because you are so annoyed and aggravated by these stupid middle schoolers. You finally are so fed up, so you turn around and tell them to be quite.

Monday, November 26, 2012


It seems like everywhere I turn there are advertisements. I can't seem to escape them.

I can't even enjoy listening to my music without being interrupted by annoying advertisements. Every once in a while I wouldn't mind seeing one, but it is becoming a tad too excessive. Also, most of the time the advertisements are pointless and don't even strike your attention.
I listen to music all the time. The first thing I do when I get home is turn on some sort of music. I would frequently go on Pandora to listen to whatever radio station I desired. They would occasionally play some commercials right after a song, but lately those occasional commercials are becoming traditional. 
Not being able to listen to my music without a commercial between every two songs is starting to irritate me. I understand that they have to pay for their radio station in someway though, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

Word of the Day: Nonessential: Having little or no importance

Sunday, November 25, 2012


The time for family to get together and catch up has already gone as quickly as it came. Not only do you get to see family during thanksgiving break, but you also get to see all your friends that have gone away to college.

I loved having everyone back again, it felt like summer had returned. It was a short lived summer though, and it was tough seeing them all leave again.

I can't wait until winter break comes around so I can see everyone again! I had so much fun spending time with all my friends that I haven't seen since the summer time.

It's crazy to think that, that will be me next year coming back to visit my friends and family from college. Only having that short amount of time to catch up with everyone will be so strange. I will make the most of it though. I just have to be sure to spend an equal amount of time catching up with my family, if not more, compared to my friends.

Thinking about how much my life is going to change is scary and exciting. I do not have a clue what to expect so that is a tad frightening, but I want to know how my future is going to play out.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ghost of Your Past

Have memories ever started flooding back to you?

Your in the middle of raking the leaves and then suddenly time turns back 10 years earlier and you find yourself sitting there in a big leaf pile throwing the leaves around all bundled up with your favorite pink puffy winter coat on.

Or you suddenly your running around grabbing the leaves from the air before they can touch the ground, gathering them into a pile trying to see who can make the biggest leaf pile in your family.  

Sometimes when those memories start flooding back it's a little overwhelming. I find myself wondering where all the time has gone. I definitely don't feel like much has changed until I look around and realize that time has been slipping through my grasp.

It is hard to realize that my childhood is gone, but at the same time, my life is just beginning. I have to admit it's a little frightening not knowing what to expect, but I'm anxious to know how my life will play out.

My goal is to make as many memories as I can. I want to make life as memorable as possible. I want to have the least amount of regrets possible.

So take chances. take risks, and make memories. 

Here is a poem that I came across recently that I thought accompanied what I was feeling:

Old Memories

by : Carice Williams

I treasure sweet old memories
As time goes swiftly by.
A few bring smiles of happiness
And some tears to the eye.

They all are precious in their way,
Reopening doors of old
That have been shut these many years--
What pictures they unfold!

These dear old, sweet old memories
All play their special part
In bringing joy and opening up
The latch strings of the heart.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time Truly Flies

It doesn't seem like too long ago that I was just entering the big high school as a tiny freshman, wondering the long halls trying to find my way to each of my classes hoping there would be people I knew. 

Now four years later I'm not worrying about finding my classes, I'm stressing out about college applications. What colleges do I want to apply for? What colleges are even reasonable? What colleges are good for me? What do I want to major in? 

As I'm sitting here listening to music the song Calender by Panic At The Disco came on and part of the song says "put another X on the calender" which really illustrates how fast time is flying. As another day goes by the time approaches to graduation, and then soon after college, and then the rest of our lives.

Everyday we wake up most people just go through their daily routine, most the time without even enjoying little things that are going on around them. We don't take the time out of our day to do new things and enjoy life. Our motto's seem to be "Well there is always tomorrow." Just as Annie sings "the sun will come up tomorrow." It's true that we always have tomorrow, but lets not forget about today!

Everyday we should try making new memories by making each day memorable. We need to do things that we normally wouldn't do! Something new within our everyday lives. 

Word of the Week: TimeThe indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fun Filled Fall

Let yourself be engulfed with the fall spirit!

There is plenty of things to do in the fall including thinking about college apps, school work, and fall sports, but lets not forget to enjoy it. There is just so much we can go out and do!
For instance who doesn't love going out and picking a variety of apples and then making apple pie after?
Just imagine:
You finally arrive at the apple farm anxiously waiting for the tractor to come take you to the apple trees.  The tractor finally arrives and you eagerly step onto the hayride.
You pick your favorite hay pile to sit on and as the tractor pulls you towards your destination the smell of apples and hay are lingering in the fall air.

The tractor finally comes to a stop and you eagerly run off to your first apple tree. You search for that perfect apple, looking high and low. Jumping trying to get that one apple from the branches that are a little too tall for you. You finally finish filling up your basket and make your way towards the tractor again. While on your way back to the car you share stories of how you found your perfect apple, or how you found one that was half eaten.

 Another thing that I can't wait to do this fall is go through haunted houses! There is just something about them that gets your heart racing and adrenaline pumping.
Picture this:
Your walking into the dark haunted house clinging to the person besides you. You know someone is going to pop out somewhere but your not sure where. Are they behind the curtain? Are they behind that corner? Did they somehow creep up behind me?

Your eyes are frantically scanning the room covered in cobwebs. Then you come across your first encounter with a ghoul dressed in all black, scars on their face, and in their hand they are holding what appears to be a hammer. You quickly dodge them escaping into the next room filled with baby dolls sitting on the shelves. They appear to all be                        staring at you.

You try going to the next room without being discovered but then in the corner a little girl with black pig tails dressed in a white gown comes stalking towards you saying come play with me.Then to your relief she goes back in her corner and allows you to pass into the next room.

Your then faced with a room covered in mirrors. Your not sure which way is the real path, and on top of that maze, to your horror you see clowns are popping out of no where, and with all the mirrors your nightmare is multiplied.

You somehow manage to find your way out of the clown maze and your finally set free welcomed with the cool air that reminds you that your safe and out of the house. You realize that you've been digging your nails into the person's arm that was standing next to you and you quickly release your vice grip.

Word of the Week: Carpe Diem: Seize the Day.  

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