Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ghost of Your Past

Have memories ever started flooding back to you?

Your in the middle of raking the leaves and then suddenly time turns back 10 years earlier and you find yourself sitting there in a big leaf pile throwing the leaves around all bundled up with your favorite pink puffy winter coat on.

Or you suddenly your running around grabbing the leaves from the air before they can touch the ground, gathering them into a pile trying to see who can make the biggest leaf pile in your family.  

Sometimes when those memories start flooding back it's a little overwhelming. I find myself wondering where all the time has gone. I definitely don't feel like much has changed until I look around and realize that time has been slipping through my grasp.

It is hard to realize that my childhood is gone, but at the same time, my life is just beginning. I have to admit it's a little frightening not knowing what to expect, but I'm anxious to know how my life will play out.

My goal is to make as many memories as I can. I want to make life as memorable as possible. I want to have the least amount of regrets possible.

So take chances. take risks, and make memories. 

Here is a poem that I came across recently that I thought accompanied what I was feeling:

Old Memories

by : Carice Williams

I treasure sweet old memories
As time goes swiftly by.
A few bring smiles of happiness
And some tears to the eye.

They all are precious in their way,
Reopening doors of old
That have been shut these many years--
What pictures they unfold!

These dear old, sweet old memories
All play their special part
In bringing joy and opening up
The latch strings of the heart.

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