Sunday, October 14, 2012

Time Truly Flies

It doesn't seem like too long ago that I was just entering the big high school as a tiny freshman, wondering the long halls trying to find my way to each of my classes hoping there would be people I knew. 

Now four years later I'm not worrying about finding my classes, I'm stressing out about college applications. What colleges do I want to apply for? What colleges are even reasonable? What colleges are good for me? What do I want to major in? 

As I'm sitting here listening to music the song Calender by Panic At The Disco came on and part of the song says "put another X on the calender" which really illustrates how fast time is flying. As another day goes by the time approaches to graduation, and then soon after college, and then the rest of our lives.

Everyday we wake up most people just go through their daily routine, most the time without even enjoying little things that are going on around them. We don't take the time out of our day to do new things and enjoy life. Our motto's seem to be "Well there is always tomorrow." Just as Annie sings "the sun will come up tomorrow." It's true that we always have tomorrow, but lets not forget about today!

Everyday we should try making new memories by making each day memorable. We need to do things that we normally wouldn't do! Something new within our everyday lives. 

Word of the Week: TimeThe indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole

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