Monday, November 26, 2012


It seems like everywhere I turn there are advertisements. I can't seem to escape them.

I can't even enjoy listening to my music without being interrupted by annoying advertisements. Every once in a while I wouldn't mind seeing one, but it is becoming a tad too excessive. Also, most of the time the advertisements are pointless and don't even strike your attention.
I listen to music all the time. The first thing I do when I get home is turn on some sort of music. I would frequently go on Pandora to listen to whatever radio station I desired. They would occasionally play some commercials right after a song, but lately those occasional commercials are becoming traditional. 
Not being able to listen to my music without a commercial between every two songs is starting to irritate me. I understand that they have to pay for their radio station in someway though, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining.

Word of the Day: Nonessential: Having little or no importance

Sunday, November 25, 2012


The time for family to get together and catch up has already gone as quickly as it came. Not only do you get to see family during thanksgiving break, but you also get to see all your friends that have gone away to college.

I loved having everyone back again, it felt like summer had returned. It was a short lived summer though, and it was tough seeing them all leave again.

I can't wait until winter break comes around so I can see everyone again! I had so much fun spending time with all my friends that I haven't seen since the summer time.

It's crazy to think that, that will be me next year coming back to visit my friends and family from college. Only having that short amount of time to catch up with everyone will be so strange. I will make the most of it though. I just have to be sure to spend an equal amount of time catching up with my family, if not more, compared to my friends.

Thinking about how much my life is going to change is scary and exciting. I do not have a clue what to expect so that is a tad frightening, but I want to know how my future is going to play out.