Thursday, August 30, 2012

Falling into Autumn

Once again the time has come for all the intense football games, the crisp smell of leaves lingering in the air, the carving of pumpkins, the picking of apples, going to haunted to houses, and of course Halloween decorations. Although all that stuff sounds great, this year for me fall isn't going to be about all those fun events. 

As much as I love going on hayrides, picking pumpkins, and eating candy corn, I have more to think about this fall. 

Unfortunately, as a senior when fall comes that's when the college preparations start. I am forced to start thinking about what colleges I want to go to, start preparing for applications, getting teacher recommendations, maintaining good grades, and doing well on the ACT.

When I think about the list of things I need to complete it's overwhelming. It's hard to do all the things I need to do this fall with volleyball in the picture also. I feel like my life is now; wake up, go to school, go to volleyball, shower, eat, do homework, and get as much sleep as possible. I don't have time to do any of the fun events fall has to offer.

Fall being my favorite season, and it being my senior year, I want to make the most out of this year. Although I know school is my top priority right now, I need to have time to hangout with my friends and socialize. This is the last year I will get to spend with all my classmates before we all go our separate ways.

But how am I going to manage my social life and my school life with the busy schedule I have?

 It's definitely going to be really tough, but I am determined to find time in my schedule to hang out with my friends. I don't know how. But it's going to happen.

Word Of The Week: Determination: the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.

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