Friday, January 4, 2013

Winter Break Downfalls

Winter Break is about spending time with friends and family, and that's what I did... it just didn't turn out the way I planned.

I'm not complaining though, the break was much needed. I got to catch up with a lot of friends that I haven't seen in a while, and I got to spend time with family, which was all great. I'm one of those people who believe everything happens for a reason. 

On Christmas Day, my family and I went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Cleveland with my Uncle, Cousins, and Grandparents. On the way there we were all kind of tired and grumpy from waking up so early and all we wanted was food. 

When we finally arrived we got seated right away at a big table that had a turning table on it so everyone could reach the food. While we were sitting there looking at the menu, the waitress puts on the turning table a pot of hot tea. My little cousins, being bored, starts spinning the turning table. About a second after I told him that he should stop before something falls (not exaggerating), the hot pot of tea is all over my lap. 

Let me tell you, that wasn't just hot tea, it felt like it was boiling tea. I had skinny jeans on so my now scolding hot covered pants were sticking to my skin, burning me. My Mom and Dad ended up taking me to the ER and we were soon told by the doctor that I had second degree burns.

Before leaving the restaurant, my grandma told me that she would bring me home food, and my poor little cousin was crying because he felt so bad. I just told him not to worry about it, accidents happen.

About two hours later on our way home from the hospital, my Dad calls my grandma to see if we should pick up the food. We then find out that they didn't even get any for us, so our Christmas dinner consisted of buffalo chicken dip and chips, spinach artichoke dip and bread, and fish sticks. 

Honestly I don't care that I got hot tea poured on me. I'm glad it was me and not my little cousin or someone else that was at my table. True it burned and hurt, but that kind of pain is only a temporary thing. It doesn't last as long as emotional pain, that some may be having at the same time.