Friday, December 7, 2012

How Rude...

This has all happened to us before at some point in our lives; you are out at the movies and someone behind or around you decides to talk throughout the ENTIRE movie.

You've been so excited to go see this one movie ever since you saw the previews, and the day has finally come when you actually get to watch it. You wait in line to buy your ticket chatting with your friends about the latest gossip. You finally purchase your ticket and walk eagerly to find where your movie is playing. You walk into the theater and get a waft of the scent of popcorn. The smell makes your mouth water and stomach growl, so you grab your seats and go get popcorn of your own. 

After you grab the warm buttery popcorn you finally take your seat and relax, waiting for your movie to begin. You impatiently wait through all the previews while munching on your popcorn. Your wondering when the movie is finally going to start when three middle school girls walk up and sit in the seats behind you. They begin gossiping about stupid things that went on through their day, squealing when one of their friends tell them that she got her first kiss. You want the movie to start so they would just stop talking already. 

Finally the movie you have been waiting for comes on. The girls don't stop talking though. The girl sitting directly behind you decides to put her feet on your seat, kicking it every couple minutes. You can't even concentrate on the movie you finally get to see because you are so annoyed and aggravated by these stupid middle schoolers. You finally are so fed up, so you turn around and tell them to be quite.